Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence

This practical guide helps beginners get started with AI.
Learn how to set up your AI learning environment, manage data for AI projects,
and implement your first AI project.

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Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence

Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence Book Cover


  • Importance of AI in Modern Times
  • Setting Expectations
  • What We Are Building: A Description of the Personalized Learning Assistant Project

Part 1: Building Your AI Playground

Chapter 1: Setting Up Your AI Environment

  • Introduction to AI Development Tools
  • Choosing the Right Hardware
  • Introduction to Programming Languages for AI
  • Overview of Popular AI Frameworks and Libraries
  • Installing and Configuring Your AI Environment

Chapter 2: Essential Programming Skills for AI

  • Python Basics for AI
  • Key Libraries and Their Usage
  • Writing and Running Your First Program
  • Debugging and Troubleshooting

Part 2: Data Management for AI

Chapter 3: Understanding Data in AI

  • Importance of Data Quality
  • Types of Data
  • Data Sources

Chapter 4: Preparing Your Data

  • Data Cleaning Techniques
  • Data Preprocessing
  • Feature Engineering
  • Data Augmentation

Chapter 5: Data Storage and Management

  • Introduction to Databases
  • Data Storage Solutions
  • Data Management Practices

Part 3: Your First AI Project (Personalized Learning Assistant)

Chapter 6: Getting Started with the Personalized Learning Assistant

  • Project Selection
  • Defining the Problem
  • Data Collection and Preparation
  • Building the Model

Chapter 7: Training and Evaluating Your Model

  • Model Training
  • Evaluation Metrics
  • Model Validation

Chapter 8: Interpreting and Improving Your Model

  • Analyzing Model Performance
  • Hyperparameter Tuning
  • Improving Model Accuracy
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